Progress Report

To: Myself, college application, or future employer
From: Brooke Pies
Date: March 1st, 2013
Subject: Progress Report #1

The goal after I graduate high school is to go to a two year community college, transfer to San Diego State University, and then I want to become an event planner. To achieve my goal, I first have to graduate from high school with outstanding grades, volunteer, be involved in school, and sports. Doing so would allow me to get into a good college. Once I graduate from good college I can get a decent paying job and be able to help support a family that a plan on having.

Work Accomplished
  • Academics:For the last 7 semesters of high school I have maintained and grade point average of 3.6. That is considered honor roll and in my book, honor roll is outstanding grades.  

  • School Involvement: I have been an active participant in A.S.B. for the last 3 years. A.S.B. has helped to realize that event planning is something that I am very passionate about. I love being apart of all the events that go on around campus such as; dances, blood drives, O.T.L., staff breakfasts, air bands, and  assemblies, just to name a few. I was also a H.O.W.L. leader for two consecutive years. H.O.W.L is a program where the upperclassmen help the incoming freshman to feel welcomed into the school, show them around campus, and become their friend. Another program that I help with is called Unity Week. This is where the upperclassmen spend a 2 days with the sophomores and we talk to them and listen to their problems that they might be having with family, friends, or themselves. It builds both their self confidence and mine as well. 
  • Volunteer Work: I  have volunteered about 120 hours of my time to various different organizations/businesses to help my community and to gain work experience. 
  • Sports: My junior year of high school I joined the track team. I participated in the shot put and discuss events.
Currently Underway
  • Graduating: I am currently focusing on finishing my last semester of high school with honors and finishing my last semester of A.S.B..
  • Sports: I am also finishing my last season of track.
  • College Applications: I am working on applying for a few colleges, scholarships, and a financial aid program called F.A.F.S.A. that will help me pay for college.
  • Job: As of right now I have been employed at Target for 6 months and I'm trying to save as much money as I can so I can pay for college
Work Scheduled
  • Prom: I need to finish paying for prom but more importantly I need to just have fun that night and make memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Graduation: Graduate with honors and try to only shed a few tears.
  • College: Get into Grossmont Community College and then transfer to Sam Diego State
  • Career: Pursue my passion of planning events
  • Life: Have a good job, get married, have a family, and live happily ever after...

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