My Bio

Brooke Pies is my name and living is my game. I was born on a warm sunny day, June 7th, 1994 at promptly 5pm at
Grossmont Hospital.

I am the first born child of Brock and Kristy Pies, but not the only child. I have three siblings, Grant, Hailey, and Hunter. My parents are high school sweethearts and have been happily married for the past 19 years. They own a mobile car dent and paint repair business called pro-spot. My dad
My parents on a camping trip
repairs dents and paint on cars while my mom helps touch up cars and she also takes care of all the paper work for the business. My mothers maiden name was Kristy Brown and as a girl, she grew up just a few streets away from where we are currently living in Santee. My father was born and raised in a small town in Minnesota and moved to Santee at the age of seventeen. The older of my two
Siblings from left to right:
Me, Grant, Hailey, and Hunter
brothers, Grant, is fifteen and is a freshman at West Hills. He has been doing sports his whole life and is a triathlete at school. He is very intelligent, witty, a pain in the butt at times but also my best friend. My sister Hailey recently turned fourteen and is an 8th grader at Hill Creek Elementary. She is a genius when she wants to be, she is beautiful, and we have a love-hate relationship. There is no in between for us. We can love each other one minute, fight the next, make up, and love each other all over again in a matter of minutes. My youngest brother, Hunter, is ten and is attending Hill Creek Elementary as well. He enjoys playing with legos and video games. Since there is a large age difference between us, we don't have the same interests but we still get along well and we never fight. I love my family with my whole heart and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

In my early childhood, I lived in Alpine and pursued my education at kindercare until the age of five. Shortly after, I moved to Santee and attended Hill Creek Elementary for first grade. The following year I moved to Big Bear where my whole childhood/pre-teen life took place. We moved there because at the time my dad’s business had a lot of work near there. In Big Bear, I learned how to ski, play softball, soccer, and climb trees. I also learned that shoveling snow off a roof for hours on end a few times a week during the winter is not fun! Since the town was so small, making friends was
Grant, Hailey, and I on our first day of school
easy. If you had a few friends and you met there friends who have friends you pretty much knew all the local kids within a year or two. I lived in Big Bear until I reached the age of thirteen. My family and I moved back to Santee because it was closer to our relatives and as us kids were getting older, there was less things for us to do. Also, there is only one middle school, one high school, and the closest college was two hours away. My parents thought that moving back to Santee would allow us kids to have more opportunities in life. After moving back to Santee, I went to Hill Creek for two more years and finished out junior high. I then continued my education at West Hills.

My friends from left to right:
Me, Becca, Megan, Keri, Ashley, and Trilby
Since I am a teenager I think it’s pretty obvious that my one of my interests includes socializing and spending as much time as I can with my friends. Other than that, surprisingly as it may sound, I enjoy going to school and learning. I’ve always loved learning and when I finally got to highschool and I got to pick the classes that I wanted to take, I fell in love with school even more. My favorite class has to be A.S.B. because I love being involved in a lot of school activities/functions, and I love that I get to help plan a lot of the events on campus. Because of A.S.B. I would like to become an event planner for weddings, parties, or corporate events. In my freetime, I like going to the beach and soaking up the sun. My friends and I like to ride our beach cruisers on the sidewalks along the beach or ride through the neighborhoods of La Jolla and pretend we live there. Someday I hope to actually live near the beach! I also like going to the gym and anything that keeps me active or busy. I love keeping busy and having lots of things going on in my life, I don't know what I would do if I didn't keep busy.

My friends and I always seem to find something fun to do even on a boring day. One fine summer's eve, my friends and I were having a sleepover at my house. We were having one of those boring days that tend to happen a lot over summer. We didn’t have much to do in our sleepy hometown of Santee. We were feeling a little adventurous so we devised a plan that seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. We bought a carton of eggs and decided to go egging. We were smart enough to know not to throw eggs at cars because it ruins the paint and not to throw eggs at houses because they are a pain to clean off. We ended up going around, throwing eggs at the ground out front of peoples homes. We had a great time for a few minutes feeling like rebels. After the eggs ran out, we decided to call it a night and then we went to bed.

Unfortunate egging incident
The next morning we slept in and we were looking forward to relaxing all day. Our plans of tanning by the pool had quickly changed when my parents came bursting through my door holding an empty egg carton in the hands. They had furious looks on their faces that no child ever wants to see their parents have. They were yelling at all of us asking, “where did the eggs go”, “why would you do something so stupid”, and “you’re paying for any damage you’ve caused”. We tried convincing my parents that we didn’t throw them at anything specific such as a car, house, mail box etc. but of
course they didn’t believe us. They forced us to go around the neighborhood and take pictures of every egg that we had thrown and take a picture of the street sign. After sending pictures of about 8 of the eggs, my parents finally believed us and told us that we could call off the search and come back home. Upon returning home there was more yelling, lecturing, and lots of tears shed. We all learned a very valuable lesson from this, if you’re going to something you’re not supposed to do, dispose of all the evidence!!! Needless to say, I have not had another sleepover at my house since that day. My friends still come over but they are afraid of what could happen if we had another sleepover. Now it is just a big joke between my parents, friends, and I but we are not willing to risk another event like this again!

Throughout my life, I always said that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, but now that I’m older my ambitions have changed. I would now like to become an event planner. I would love to plan weddings, parties, or even corporate events. I changed my career goal to this because for the past three years I have been an active participant in A.S.B.. In this class, we have planned almost every event on campus. I love being involved in big and exciting things. I also love working really hard and then seeing all of my work pay off. I like when I look at a crowd of people and everyone is enjoying themselves. I like hearing all the positive feedback that I get after an event and I like hearing the negative feedback as well. It helps me for future references to see what areas need to be improved and it gives me a new challenge. I get great satisfaction out of overcoming such challenges and it gives me something to look forward to. I can't wait to start my career, but first I have to graduate high school, and college... Wish me luck!