Thursday, March 7, 2013

Surviving Prom

Prom is something that girls look forward to just about their whole lives. It is the one night that girls can dress up and feel like a princess from one of their childhood fairytales.

To make this night truly magical, a lot of planning goes into prom that not everyone realizes. When people think of prom they typically think of big beautiful dresses, dancing, and having a good time with friends. What the majority of people don't know is that the president of the senior class not only has to plan prom but has to raise enough money throughout the four years of high school to be able to host this extravagant event.

This year, the class of 2013 will be hosting West Hills prom. A lot of weight is put on their shoulders to put on a dance that people will remember their whole lives. They have to pick a beautiful and unique venue, a DJ that plays tasteful music, and decorations to set the mood.
Shoes, make-up, and nails

It is the club that plans the main event but each individual senior has to plan what goes on before and after prom. Groups  of friends get together to plan when and where to get their hair, make-up, and nails done. They also have to work together to figure out what kind of limo to arrive in style in and what kind of luxurious hotel to relax in after a tiring night of dancing. Most people also plan something to do the day after prom; going to the beach, a theme park, or just relaxing. Prom is a big group effort that takes the whole senior class to put together and create a fun night.

With all the effort that goes into that one night, it may cause a few headaches and your wallet may feel a little bit lighter but when everything is said and done, it will be a lot of fun and a night that will last a lifetime.